The Astrological Sign of Capricorn
Capricorn: The Astrological Sign
The tenth in the zodiac sequence, its Latin name describes it as a horned goat. The sign is represented as a sea-goat: a mythical creature that is half goat, half fish. Capricorn is an earth sign and ruled by the planet Saturn.
Capricorns are usually characterised as intelligent, down-to-earth, honest, disciplined, dedicated, and hard-working. They get out of bed because work gets them inspired and active – that is their motto of life.
Some of the famous Capricorns are Ellie Goulding, John Legend, Stan Lee, Elvis Presley, Ellen Degeneres, Michelle Obama, Kate Middleton, Tiger Woods, Martin Luther King Jr., Michael Schumacher, J.R.R. Tolkien, Muhammad Ali.